Talking Points

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Top tips for exam season

There’s no doubting that exam season is a stressful time. Even if you’re as prepared as you can possibly be, the pressure can still seem overwhelming.

And while there’s no secret to becoming an exam extraordinaire, no matter what path you take, it’s going to require hard work.

There has been a lot of research over the years which can provide you with expert advice on how to make the most out of your brainpower.

So, you can say goodbye to that last minute cramming and start feeling more prepared for anything the exam paper throws at you.

In no particular order, here are our tops tips to improve your studying for this, and every exam season.

1. Work in regular short bursts

Most of us struggle to retain information after a certain point, which is why trying to cram everything into your brain the night before an exam usually doesn’t work out very well for your grades or your sanity.

After a certain point, we simply can’t make our minds remember more than it already has.

It’s futile.

Instead, take regular breaks and work in short intervals.

Everyone’s ability is different but 20 minutes at a time is a good rule of thumb to get you started.

After this, take a short break until you feel refreshed and able to take in more information: at which point you can begin studying again.

For most people who are not born with incredible memory abilities, they’ll find this to be a much more successful and manageable way of working.

2. Get your surroundings in order

We know as an estate agent in Leeds that your surroundings can have a huge impact on your performance.

Luckily, there’s plenty of choice when it comes to Leeds student accommodation, so you’re bound to find something that suits you.

Finding somewhere you can relax and create a fruitful work environment is important: as is making sure that you have enough space before beginning your revision to get everything you need in order.

That’s right, before you revise, you might need to do a quick neaten up. After all, it’s harder to remember what was on your notes if those notes are buried beneath a pizza box.

3. Eat healthy, nutritious foods

You’ve heard of the saying ‘brain foods’, right? Well, there might not be anything out there that really acts like Popeye’s spinach – but for your grey matter as opposed to bulging biceps.

However, eating well really does improve your cognitive ability.

Your body and brain are like a machine and all the nutrients and vitamins you take in act like oil for the wheels to keep them spinning.

Junk food may seem tempting at these stressful times, but fruits, veggies and healthy proteins are your real friends when you’re trying to get through a long, tough revision session.

4. Keep switching up your revision routines

It may sound strange, but familiarity can actually be a detriment when trying to retain information.

We’re not talking about familiarity to the material of course – that’s what we’re aiming for, after all.

Rather, we’re referring to a familiarity in method and even surroundings. Just make sure whatever alternative surroundings you choose are as productive as your newly tidied study space.

Let’s put it this way, if your revision routine is the same every day, it will be harder to distinguish one piece of information from the other.

This is because those memories are so similar that it can be harder to recall specific study sessions.

Whereas if one day you revise in your room, then the next in a study group and the next in the library, the information will be easier to separate and retain due to those added variables.

5. Learn what works for you

Ultimately, study tips can only give general advice because everybody is different.

You may find it very hard to learn in a study group, for example. In which case, simply try something else.

Learning what works best for your mind is one of the most important things you can do during any kind of study.

So, when you have time – preferably before your revision begins – try learning in different ways to see which method best suits

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